Saturday, August 2, 2014

Mayonnaise in 10 seconds flat

When I saw Matt Preston do this on Masterchef I did not believe it actually worked, in fact I made the mayo an hour earlier than I needed to because I did not believe it.   But it does!  It's the same basic mayonnaise recipie I have tried to make lots of time, but using a different method. Believe me I have tried dribbling in the oil, I have tried using the blender - but mayonnaise has never worked for me at home.

Well, here is the link online: have just put the method into this recipie, as it seems to make more sense that way.  To make it you need a stick blender and its cup.  
A couple of things to remember:
  • be gentle with the ingredients
  • the yolk needs to be whole
  • put the basket of the stick blender over the yolk, so that the blades immediately blend the yolk
  • then gently bring it up the blender cup to make the mayonnaise.

 Instant Mayonnaise

Rating: easy peasy.


Very carefully,  crack an egg, seperate the yolk - it needs to be whole not broken.
Place the egg yolk into the base of a stick blender canister, making sure it does not break.
Add 1/2 teaspoon of Dijon mustard, 1/2 teaspoon salt and  juice of 1/2 lemon.
Gently pour in 300 ml. grape seed oil.
Carefully insert the stick blender, making sure blades completely cover the yolk.
Blend, and as mayo comes together, slowly bring blender up through the oil to make the mayo.

Taste and adjust lemon/salt to taste.

Variations include adding any of the following after the mayo is made:
liquid smoke
chopped parsley
chopped gerkins
chopped capers
chopped anchovies
grated garlic
grated chilli
chopped dill
chopped sun dried tomatoes
curry powder

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